Build cool sh*t with a career you love.

Devslopes creates entry-level Software Engineers who stand out in the job market, stand out in the workplace, and have a skillset built to stand out over time.

And are we good at it.

It's really no big deal. But some of our alumni work here:


Devslopes: Your road to an entry-level position in software engineering.

Here's what makes us a little different.

1) Gone are the days of outdated curriculums.

Our dynamic & modern curriculum was carefully designed to keep pace with the tech industry's evolution.

We'll show you how to evolve with the ever-changing tech field and future-proof your career, so you won’t be left in the dust of obsolete code and outdated techniques.

We've thrown out the rulebook and crafted a program that's built for today's coding landscape — not our forefathers.

2) We instill the Clean Code principles that help you overcome the Professional Gap.

We teach aspiring software engineers how to solve the two biggest problems they're facing in today's landscape.

We'll show you how to write the team-friendly code that employers desire AND how to build the type of professional portfolio that makes hiring you an absolute no-brainer.

3) We'll teach you how to earn while you learn how to code.

You need a portfolio to get the job. You need a job to get the portfolio. Yeah, it makes no damn sense to us either.

That's why freelancing is an integral part of our curriculum. We'll teach you how to pick up freelance work while learning to code.

It's honestly kinda nutty more people aren't teaching this.

But talk is cheap. So don't just take our word for it.

Michael Sanchez

Full-Stack Project Manager


After countless failed attempts at learning to code, Devslopes helped me develop the problem-solving and technical skills that I now employ in my role as a Front-End Developer. I wouldn’t have my current career without them.

Salary: $110k /year

John Balasta

Front-End Developer


I worked in insurance sales. Meaning, long and miserable hours. I felt trapped. But Devslopes allowed me to work from home at my own pace. A year later? I'm now making 6 figures as a developer. And the best part? I finally have my life back.

Salary: $100k /year

Caleb Stultz

Senior Software Engineer


I'm not gonna lie, prior to Devslopes I questioned if I was smart enough to be a developer. In fact, I still question it. Luckily, Intuit thought I was more than smart enough to hire me.

Salary: $85k /year

If you're still interested in the old way of learning, you can click here.

Otherwise, join 5,000+ students building their career in code with Devslopes.

Devslopes Software Engineering Program

Take the first step toward a career you love.

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A message from our very handsome founder.

I know the pain and pressure of needing a career change.

The pain of knowing you're capable of better—a better career, a better routine, a better life—than you currently have.

Or worse, knowing that you need to do better for yourself and your family.

I understand the challenges you are facing, because I experienced them myself.

After reflecting on my journey from an uneducated college dropout looking for a career change, I learned that the career and lifestyle transition didn’t come from a curriculum.

If it was that simple, I could buy any book and change my life overnight.

Career changes start with YOU.

Meaning, to make it as an entry-level software engineer, you must develop yourself while developing your skills.

The changes I made were possible through the persistent support of mentors in my life.

Mentors who had my back for both my mentality and technical skills.

This is precisely what we provide here at Devslopes.

And it's why we win while other programs fail.

Because our sole goal is helping you win.
Nathan Sevedge
Devslopes CEO

Ready to learn how you can become a Software Engineer without the BS?